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Volunteer Card

  • $ 0.00

This two-sided, full-color cardstock piece provides basic information about the volunteer program. Use it to recruit future volunteers by giving them a glimpse of the experience they can have through participating in the work of Bible translation around the world through volunteering. You can use the card at local events, college campuses and in one-on-one conversations.

How many do you need? Wycliffe literature is available at no cost to you other than shipping. Help us be good stewards of this resource by only requesting what you need. A good rule of thumb for most events is to order one (1) piece of literature per ten (10) people at your upcoming event. If it is a small event where you will be in a small group setting you might want more than that but at a church gathering or conference it is a good place to start.

Item limited to 100 pieces per order. If you require larger quantities, please email us at

  • 5.75" x 5.75"

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